Oct 25, 2007

Fashion Team Episode

The Fashion Team look at celebrity couture at the RENDITION premiere, the opening of the LA-based Monique Ihuillier boutique, and the Women in Hollywood event.

Oct 24, 2007

PP on Planet FOREST

PP born on a less gravity Planet FOREST which rotated by an unknown mystery hand and surrounded by five pyramidal satellites called GOLD、WOOD、WATER、FIRE AND EARTH. PP is a silly animal and loves the role playing game. The story of PP just all begins.....

A New Life by Design

Words by Clara Young
Probably the last thing on any steelworker’s mind when they’re being laid off is art or design. In the small town of Hallefors (population 7600) in central Sweden、which lost a major part of its steel mill to the Chinese in 1989、it was moose and pike perch that the steelworkers were thinking of when they got their walking papers. 「They thought it [the lay-off] was temporary,」 said Lars Wieselgren、deputy directory of Hallefors』 House of Design. 「They thought they’d have a year or two off to go hunting and fishing.」

When the Chinese came and took down the plant in 1993、Hallefors realized that they had better start thinking of something else. The redundancy list had grown to a total of 3000 people、almost one third of the town’s population then、which itself was precipitously dropping. 「The municipal government realized that it was for real、and that we could lay down and die or try to do something,」 says Wieselgren. The government spent a year analyzing the situation and realized the future was spelled out for them… in four Cs – Competence、Culture、Creativity、Communication. 「Culture is a vector、something that carries knowledge over barriers. If you、as an individual、work through a creative process、you will feel that you have powers you were not aware of,」 says Wieselgren. Since then、Hallefors has slowly transformed itself into a culture node、with design as one of its rallying points. In 1999 the municipality set up a preparatory design school、which has been run by the House of Design since 2005. Together、with the nearby culinary art school set up by chef-entrepreneur Carl-Jan Grankvist and technical courses at the remaining steel mill、these educational programs bring in between 600 and 700 students a year from around Sweden、a few of whom have stayed and settled in Hallefors.

In 2005、Hallefors opened the House of Design、which operates as a museum、educational institution and artist/design exchange program. 「Dine、Design、Delight」、in 2004/5、was a collaborative workshop with Parsons The New School of Design and three Swedish universities with design、textile and culinary programs、with students producing sustainable fast food packaging ideas. For the following year’s 「Little Houses on Black River」 senior design students from 10 different countries designed and built three Swedish Friggebod、small flatpack prefab houses made out of sustainable materials. The project was exhibited at New York’s International Furniture Fair in May of last year and was awarded best student project. The House of Design is now planning another international project for 2008/9 on the subject of emergency shelters. These projects and Hallefors』 research facilities are turning the town into a laboratory for design experimentation、one with an increasingly international profile on the conference circuit. Hallefors』 broad cultural initiative has created over 200 jobs and stemmed the emigration flow – the population has now stabilized. Hallefors is on an upward trajectory、with the kind of hope and dynamism that few company towns have when the mills have shut down and the business gone elsewhere.

Planting Peace

Project Objective: To promote a message of worldwide peace through graphic art and design installations.
Designers: Yuji Tokuda and Junya Ishikawa
Design Solution: Launched in 2005、Retired Weapons is a cross-media design collective working to promote peace through everything from web initiatives to cake decorating. Their signature pieces are highly graphic silhouettes of assault rifles and handguns whose barrels spout cheery、pink flowers. Rather than a quiet meditation、each Retired Weapons exhibition is (literally) an interactive party、anchored by a life-sized inflatable tank that the designers encourage kids to play on. Party-goers are encouraged to write messages of togetherness that are pinned up all around the exhibition、and 「Seeds of Peace」 are handed out to be planted at home. Outside of their exhibitions、Retired Weapons relies on participants to distribute their message through cellphone graphics、e-letters and word-of-mouth. The overall effect is refreshingly straightforward、happy and ego-free – fitting for the life of a retiree.

BA 900 Weather station crystal

Resolutely modern, this BA900 weather station from Oregon is the alliance of clarity and technological precision. It gives you the exact time thanks to its in-built radio-controlled clock. It also indicates the indoor temperature and a novelty weather forecast display with 3 precise icons that are engraved in the crystal that light up according to the forecast. Plus, all you have to do is run your hand in front of the base to switch between the time and temperature display. Calling all technological design enthusiasts, the BA900 weather station was created for you!

Oct 23, 2007

Oct 22, 2007

John Lacko, artist and illustrator in Miami

simply RED

Editor's Collection from Pool Magazine

Anton Corbijn

你可曾想過一為攝影師竟會改變一張音樂專輯的名稱?這樣的故事就發生在Anton Corbijn這位攝影師跟U2之間。1986年的冬天,U2給了Anton一筆預算,請他花點時間研究U2專輯的封面影像該到那裡去拍。當時,Anton唯一知道的就是這張專輯如果不是名為「Desert Songs」就是「The Two Americas」。所以Anton決定先花三天開車到加州,拍下一些沙漠的影像,然後在洛杉磯與U2會合,讓他們看一看他在沙漠拍下的照片。最後,大家確定了專輯的封面拍攝地就是「沙漠」。於是,Anton開始進行拍攝計畫,一行人決定前往內華達州。第一天的拍攝工作結束後,Anton告訴U2的主唱Bono說:「沙漠中有種很棒的樹,叫做約書亞樹,如果我們拍下它做為你們專輯的封面,一定很精彩!」第二天的早上,Bono帶著聖經走下樓來,他告訴Anton說:「嘿!你要趕快去拍約書亞這種樹!我覺得這是個很棒的點子,約書亞樹!」所以,Anton拍下了約書亞樹。而這張原本要叫做「Desert Songs」或是「The Two Americas」的專輯,後來就改稱為「約書亞樹」(Joshua Tree)。


Anton Corbijn,1955年出生於荷蘭。1979年,倫敦的流行音樂界向他招手,這使他的生活跟工作重心從此移到倫敦。之後,他拍過娛樂界中的大明星,設計過CD的封面,也執導過MTV,他為Nirvana拍的MTV還得過MTV大獎。此外,他也跟U2、John Lee Hooker、Bryan Ferry、Nick Cave、The Rolling Stones、Depeche Mode以及Captain Beefheart等人有過長期的合作。

Anton曾說:「我希望我拍到的不只是一個人的表象。」關於這一點,我們可以在他集結了1970年代至今的攝影作品集「Work」一書中,一覽無遺。在1979年Anton Corbijn移居倫敦後,他成為了流行樂音界跟文化圈中一個很吃香的一位攝影師。其直接而有力的影像為攝影與音樂之間的關聯性創造出了一個新紀元。在過去的25年當中,Corbijn的照片正如它所拍過的搖滾樂手的歌一樣的有名。實際上那些明星們常常被Anton拍出了連他們自己也不曾察覺的一面,而那些影像反到成為了他們在一般人心目中很深刻的記憶。U2主唱Bono還曾對Anton的視覺作品做過這樣的評論,他說:「有時Anton能給你一個你根本可能沒有的東西……」如果有任何攝影師配得到「形象創造者」的美名,那應該非Anton Corbijn莫屬了。

以Joy Division,Depeche Mode,U2或Metallica這些音樂人為例,他們傳達給大眾的形象以及這種形象最終的定義都得歸功於Anton的照片。這些年來,Anton所拍的肖像不只侷限於明星,也包括了藝文界裡的名人,或是一些時尚名模、導演跟作家以及歌劇界中的男高音Luciano Pavarotti。不管他是一位在商業攝影上確立個人風格,或者說在商業攝影中仍堅持自我風格的攝影家,在歐美的攝影界中,他都因其高度的專業精神與藝術成就得到一定的尊敬與肯定。


"I lived on the Moon" video clip by Yannick Puig

Royksopp - Remind Me

Trentemoller - Moan - Vocal Remix ft. Ane Trolle

Trolle Siebenhaar - Sweet Dogs

Film: Innovation via Design

Together、the Danish Design Centre and the production company TWO+ have made the film "Innovation via Design – The Danish way to compete in the world market". The film will be used in the branding efforts for Danish design in China、among other purposes. You can watch the film here.

The 4-minute film illustrates the unique ways that large Danish companies like Bang & Olufsen、Hummel、Novo Nordisk、Jyske Bank and LEGO apply design as a strategic instrument in their activities. The companies view design as a key competitive factor and have made it an essential part of their business strategy. They know that design is the element that makes the difference between a standard product and a competitive product.

Press play.

Oct 19, 2007


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Oct 18, 2007




[號外]採訪:TIM LIM、PETER WONG 文:karchun
究竟真正的旅程是為了什麼目的而出發?是為了走訪名勝?探訪朋友?還是發掘新事物?現代人的生活繁瑣,大部分人出外也是為工作需要,但其實每一趟也可以是一次新的旅程,一次個人的新體驗。「如果現在還說自己從未到過中國,實在是會有點不好意思,中國這個地方相當有趣,北京也很有味道,尤其在文化藝術音樂國度,絕對意想不到。上海我還未到過,大家也說我一定會喜歡,因為更有活力,2008年的北京奧運會,我應該會再來這裡,看看有沒有時間到上海走走吧!」ANTOINE ARNAULT,即LVMH總裁BERNARD ARNAULT的兒子,是現任OUIS VUITTON的傳訊總監。
知道LOUIS VUITTON來季即將推出新一輯的廣告系列,而不是開發一條新的產品線,初時實在有點驚訝,這始終是資源投放的問題,做產品當然純綷是為金錢上的回報,但一輯新的廣告──品牌核心價值廣告,既不是取代現有的時裝廣告,而是有關品牌形象及理念的,初初實在有點令人摸不著頭腦。「LOUIS VUITTON品牌創立了150多年,我們的根源是旅行箱,『旅程』才是我們品牌的核心思想,所以我們希望大家從新認識LOUIS VUITTON。」
ANTOINE ARNAULT拿出了三張廣告預覽,大家也忽然閉著氣,等待著即將而來的衝擊。第一幅的主角是CATHERINE DENEUVE,在一個舊火車站內,她坐在LOUIS VUITTON的旅行箱上,「這一幅照片來得很合理,具備了品牌悠久歷史的元素,而且CATHERINE DENEUVE是法國影星中相當重要的一位,她絕對能表現出LOUIS VUITTON品 牌的氣質。」第二幅是ANDRE AGASSI及STEFFI GRAF夫婦,兩人躺在酒店的床上,表現非常親暱,「雖然ANDRE AGASSI是世界知名 的網球員,但我們想表達的不是他運動的一面,反而是這對夫婦之間的愛。感覺說是他們倆剛剛開始旅程抵達酒店,才剛放下行李便擁在一起,這就是愛的表現。在拍攝當日其實他們的兩個孩子也在場,初時想來一張全家福,但最後還是覺得他們兩夫婦便足夠,已經 恰到好處。」甜蜜的旅程早已展開。
最後而來的,在場人士看到無一不目定口呆,MIKHAIL GORBACHEV坐在小車內,車外的背景是柏林圍牆,圖片帶著政治性色彩,而且氣氛也有一點怪異,「要知道旅程不一定只為愉悅享樂,旅程也可以是一件非常嚴肅的事,選上MIKHAIL GORBACHEV就是這個原因,他的背景與故事也不必談太多,大家早有一定的認識,再加上拍攝的取址,可見我們品牌的心思,我們不是在談政治,只是想找一些有個人見解與意見的人,『旅程』是可以有很多不同目的。」看過這三張照片以後,近幾季以SCARLETT JOHANSSON代表的LOUIS VUITTON華麗時尚形象忽然一掃而空,換來是值得大家深思與反省的課題。有喜有悲,才是人生的必然。即使是同一款的包 包,放在SCARLETT JOHANSSON的手中和MIKHAIL GORBACHEV的身邊已是截然的不同,可見品牌的獨特性與超然性。
「旅行與旅程一向也是LOUIS VUITTON的品牌核心,但在不同的年代,大家對『旅程』也會有不同的見解。以往我們經常以大自然景色為廣告照片的題材,可能是廣闊的沙漠,也可能是奇山異景,但現在飛行旅程的所費已經不多,很多以往難以抵達的地方早已成為了旅遊景點,所以對『旅程』的定義與價值,我們必須要重新定位。人,才是那個核心思想的關鍵。」即是個人化的旅程體驗:「不同人對旅程 也有不同的看法,也有不同的原因,在品牌核心價值廣告上,我們找到的重點,就是人與旅程的關係。這個在中國等亞洲國家特別重要。在歐洲,不少家庭的爸爸媽媽,甚至是祖父祖母,也擁有一至兩個 LOUIS VUITTON的旅行箱,很容易便能了解到品牌與旅遊的關係,但品牌走進亞洲才十多二十年,所以不少人會把我們當作是時裝品牌而不了解我們的歷史背景。」
因為照片重點的不同,在挑選攝影師時他們也改變了選擇。「ANNIE LEIBOVITZ是我們認為最合適的人選。她拍攝人像特別有一套,很能捕捉那觸動人心的一刻。在這三次的拍攝過程之中,我參與了兩趟,CATHERINE DENEUVE與MIKHAIL GORBACHEV兩人分別只拍攝了40及45分鐘,非常高效率,而且效果也非常完美。在攝影場上 ANNIE LEIBOVITZ她根本不會說多一句話,她好像早已有那幅完成品在腦海中一樣,剎那間便已經完成。」具震撼力的人相並不容易拍,要捕捉那完美的一剎特別難掌握,但ANNIE LEIBOVITZ卻好像可以手到拿來一樣,每幅照片的背後也好像有一個故事。
企劃的目的愈來愈明確,但意想不到原來選角的背後還有重大的原因。如果大家細心留意,便會發現在這一輯廣告的左下角,是印著一兩句重要的信息,還有提及THE CLIMATE PROJECT與GREEN CROSS INTERNATIONAL兩個環保組織。「我們這個廣告企劃挑選的人,其實也是與環境保護有關的活躍份子,MIKHAIL GORBACHEV是GREEN CROSS INTERNATIONAL的創辦人加主席,他對環保的貢獻絕對是有目共睹。至於THE CLIMATE PROJECT,當我們致電AL GORE,他立即邀請我們去看看他們在這十五年來為環保所做的一切,大家自然是不謀而合,而CATHERINE DENEUVE及ANDRE AGASSI夫婦也是THE CLIMATE PROJECT的成員之一,所以一切便變得順理成章。」

Design Tide in Tokyo 2007

DesignTide is an event that creates new opportunities for up and coming designers and manufacturers.In its third year under the theme "What you REALLY need", DesignTide participants will produce unique exhibit spaces focused in product design, interior design, furniture, graphics, fashion, and art.DesignTide aims to resonate in people's hearts by connecting designers, manufacturers, press, and buyers gathered from around the world for one week in Tokyo every autumn, helping creative work grow into businesses.
Date : 31th October (wed) 〜4th November (sun), 2007
Area : Aoyama,Harajuku,Shibuya,Roppongi , Tokyo
Main Site: One of the areas listed above.
Extension Sites: About 50 interior shops, galleries, cafes, restaurants, and musuems in the areas listed above.
For this year's main theme, DesignTide came upon the word "PLAY", born out of the sheer air of excitement at last year's DT. More than proposing new ideas, more than pursuing style. Something to get wild about, something that's pure fun, that can't be explained by logic, and something that awakens new emotions and energy in all of us. Herein lies the next answer to our central question, "what we REALLY need". We dream of everyone's "PLAY" descending onto the grounds of DesignTide this autumn in harmony, to be enjoyed till your heart's content.

Mirror Hanger

The hanger is the mirror which dose the shape of the hanger.is the hanger which is made with the mirror.check your appearance before go out!
Designer : Hiroshi UJIIE, 2006

CELL, three-dimensional honeycomb

Upper Left, This is a stand of the fold type by a three-dimensional honeycomb construction that uses only the corrugated fiberboard.The space is composed by the change from the plane to the solid.

size : w650×d650×h480 (mm)material : double corrugated fiberboard
Designer : Kazuyuki KAWASE, 2007

Upper Right, This is a lamp shade that passes the fluorescent lamp through the center of a consecutive honeycomb construction. The fluorescent lamp can be used like objet in the floor and the table.

size : w300×d130×h130material : cardboard, fluorescent lamp(shining stick)
Designer : Kazuyuki KAWASE, 2006


available in natural cherry、cherry walnut stained、American cherry stained、cherry wenge stained and lacquered colours.

Measurements w100 x d6 x h100 cm
Manufacturer Porada
Designer M. Marconato & T. Zappa


展出日期:2007/11/17 - 2008/2/17展出地點:1A~1B
展覽簡介:本館舉辦「慾望與消費-海洋堂與御宅族文化」展,以日本造形集團「海洋堂」40年來的發展歷程為主軸,展出三千件大中小型模型,在回顧其歷史的同時,對現代日本御宅族文化和次文化的特質、內涵與根源,以及模型文化與美學涉及的當代藝術、慾望與消費文化領域進行更進一步的探究。在1980年代日本出現了所謂的「御宅族」,是被日本戰後爆發性發展的次文化(包括電影及電視、卡通、漫畫)豢養慾望的世代」,其搖身在今日成為文化推手,透過不斷開發、提供滿足人們慾望的內容與商品,使得慾望與消費的構造愈發壯大!而譽為模型界的玩家收藏等級的日本海洋堂造形集團,發跡於1964年。1970年代首開組裝模型的風氣。1980年代起將卡通、漫畫與電影中的角色逐一立體化,為模型製作帶來革命性的發展。1990年代後半,開拓大量生產、價格低廉的「食玩」風潮。2003年與日本知名當代藝術家村上隆合作製作之等身大人形玩偶,被公認是「海洋堂」模型製作的極致表現。海洋堂對造形文化不斷推出各種啟蒙活動,製作上以精緻質感著稱,不僅受到模型收藏家的推崇,40年來對於日本特有的造型文化有重要的貢獻。2004年「海洋堂」成立四十週年,原名「海洋堂的軌跡(The Chronicles of KAIYODO)」展自2004年起巡迴日本十一個縣市美術館。本館為日本海外巡迴第一站,是台灣難得一見的跨領域模型藝術展覽。透過本展展出,針對台灣 目前所提出的文化創意產業遠景與政策,比照日本的動漫與模型公仔產業的驚人產值,對於群眾次文化及當代藝術創作領域的影響力,期能引起大眾迴響與討論。



価格:\2,205 (稅迂)









(二)現階段台灣面臨整體經濟衰退,設計教育、設計協會、設計師應如何應對? 針對現階段台灣產業的發展與設計現狀觀點,簡述如下:設計教育:除基礎課程外,鼓勵學生冒險、體驗、挑戰,並展現國際接軌的企圖。設計協會:·讓土生土長的台灣設計師,建立國際觀·過去單打獨鬥,透過組織串連來自全球的設計人脈資源及上下游整合資源·提供來自世界各地的重要設計資訊·在最對的狀況下讓設計施與作品被世界看到,讓設計師們知道未來進階管道在哪裡·媒介製造商資源可以幫設計師量產創意·成為能凝聚台灣設計力量與國際接軌的設計師交流平台設計師:不斷精進學習成長,並積極參與國際競賽、展覽、出版(商品)、或與知名品牌合作,讓自己可以有價值的被看見,建立自我品牌。

(三)對於平面設計師薪資偏低,有何改進良方? 先有好價值,才有好價格。設計師自我定位非常重要,沒有深刻的認知,並團結一致,自然造成市場價格混亂。設計師可以一年接幾千個案子,也可以一年接幾個有價值的案子,質與量自有市場機制來判定價格標準,雖說目前台灣對於設計行情還是漫無標準,但更多自覺的設計師所展現的能量,才是提升價格的基礎。也就說任何輔助機制的建立前提,先確認設計師的定位,媒介適合的資源,提升設計與設計師的價值,把核心問題解決,而非僅是透過短效的計畫提升價格。

(四)學校教育與社會就業有無落差?有何改進的建議? 雖說有很多人對於學校教育無法提供業界直接使用的人力而多所詬病,我覺得反而提供一個不同的思惟,除非我們今天清楚的定位學校就是職訓單位,否則企業自己本身就應該提供就業銜接的機制。只是過去中小企業的產業結構中,大多企業不願意提供足夠的資源來進行自己需要人員的教育訓練,而產生業界覺得學校出來學生沒辦法直接用,但這樣的聲音過多,我反而覺得憂心。我對學校教育的概念還是提供學生一個成長過程中,鍛鍊學識,體驗生活的一個環境,大學生應該談戀愛、搞社團,當然多念些書,還要多冒些險,在沒有太大的社會壓力下,去感受青春的特權與單純的世界。我覺得除了一昧要求學校要生產可直接使用的人力資源,產業也需要深思自己的社會角色與責任。

(五)提昇台灣平面設計水準的最有效辦法? 我覺得相對來說,台灣的設計水平不差,甚至比香港與新加坡等華人世界還優秀。我知道我這樣說很多人會很訝異,自信的不足,感覺上香港與新加坡似乎比台灣好才對?我只能這樣說,台灣的年輕新銳收到多元文化衝擊,隨著工具的簡化,大家透過不同形式展現創作力,但是卻一直缺乏被看見的平台,我辦過多次設計競賽,從中都可以發覺到優異的作品,可是跟其他區域的設計師來說,台灣的設計師比較不懂得自我經營,也不懂的利用國際的平台讓自己被看見,國際的設計年鑑也鮮少見到台灣設計師的作品。其實把目前的資源好好整合應用,努力的把有創造力的設計新銳推向國際,後續的學習者也可已有聚焦的目標方向,也能建立信心。

(六)如何更有效經營台灣的平面設計協會? 設計相關的協會在行政組織上都還不完整,沒有完整的儲備基金,沒有固定的行政人員,經常因為主事者的關係,大好大壞。所以我認為非營利組織還是須要建構自主財力,活動也必須是有策略的綿密運作,建立協會品牌,有價值的組織所辦理的活動,才會讓參與者也感受的價值而與有榮焉。

(七)政府應如何增加對於平面設計協會長期或專案補助? 我經常參與公務部門的相關會議,大家都在談類似問題,其實我的想法剛好相反,我只是想問政府對於設計產業的未來想像是什麼?如何讓台灣設計師走出國際,建立台灣設計的價值?只談補助就好像我們曾經有過汽車與電影產業的大量補助,這些產業如今何在?沒有完整的定位,沒有正確策略,只談計畫的執行與補助,對產業沒有幫助。就本身經營協會組織來說,確實財政能力是一個很大的負擔,我相信其他組織亦然,我們當然希望有更多資源給我們可以運作更好的活動出來,但我想前提還是能夠先建構願景,擬定總體發展策略,協會組織可以一同資源共享,提出計畫,在大戰略與共同目標下,建立設計界的生產鏈,形成真正產業結構,才能生生不息。


from http://yinlih.com/

Oct 17, 2007

War in Shadow

this witty piece of stencil grafitti protesting the war was spotted in bloomington、indiana、USA.

'he piece itself is was stenciled on the floor using a shadow cast by a light post at night、and later carefully sprayed with a 『camouflage black』 can.'

War IS BleedING the World

Philippe Starck Designed Beer Bottle

the slimline 1664 bottle by kronenbourg first appeared in 1994 and won a packaging oscar for its design, featuring the brand's four numbers engraved at the bottom of the bottle and a distinctive label on the neck.now the company has added a new 'collection'- premium beer.this 'fluted' glass bottle has been designed by philippe starck.


all we need is COKE

Love Your Earth

Matt Willey of studio8 design has produced the 'breathe' poster for san francisco based charity rainforest action network (RAN). 'forests are the lungs of the earth. the destruction of forests has been a fortifying factor in climate change. with millions of miles of old growth forests cleared every year、the earth is slowly suffocating under the increase of greenhouse gases'.via magma---if you are interested in challenging the issues facing our earththrough graphic design please see details of our currentdesign competition 'love your earth'.

inspired by china

inspired by china: contemporary furniture makersexplore chinese traditionsuntil 28 octobermuseum of arts & design、new yorkthere is still time to catch the 'inspired by china'exhibition at the museum of arts and design in new york.the exhibition brings together 27 masterpieces of historicchinese furniture (some from as early as the 16th century)with 27 pieces of contemporary studio furniture createdspecifically for the exhibition. 22 artists and designerswere chosen from the united states、canada、japan andchina to demonstrate the interchange of ideas andinspiration across time and geographic boundaries.

Oct 16, 2007

Bader im XS-Format

By Katrin Schamun

The day begins in the bathroom with the Wachduschen morning and ends there with the passing of clothes、relaxing in the tub and the toilet for the night.The bathroom is an important part of our living space、in which we care for and pamper. Much bathroom in a small space is ultimately the result of good planning. For each bath、there are solutions with comfort and functionality not fall by the wayside.

Qantas Airline Lounge

The Australian designer Marc Newson for Qantas Airlines、the interiors of the new first-class lounges in Sydney and Melbourne.


Opus Incertum by Casamania

Design by Sean Yoo

Bookshelf and display case from expanded polypropylene. Available in black、grey、orange and white colour.
W100 x D35 X H100 (CM) 100% Recyclable


Lights Made from Old Books

Another gorgeous design from Atelier Bomdesign. These lights are all made from old books and are available in various models. You can visit Atelier Bomdesign’s website for more information, and check out their other eco-design products. Click here if you are interested in purchasing there products.










A Stylish McDonald’s Branch

Egg armchairs and Swan chairs designed by the Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen、brown and beige colours with occasional splashes of white…. This could be a designer hotel、or a hip restaurant. But guess what? This is a McDonald’s branch! To be precise、it is the McDonald’s on Edgware Road in London、where the company is testing a new design formula that、if it works、could be rolled out across Europe.
(source: Herald Tribune、via

Oct 15, 2007


Genpet™The Only Bioengineered Buddy. Available in 7 different personality types.
Color CodingEach personality type of the Genpets has been linked to its respective colour、and that color is then used as a base for each package. (
Read more)
Heart MonitorEach package has a built in low cost heart monitor that is fully functional、with green LED lights and built in speaker. (
Read more)
Fresh StripEvery single package includes an easy to use "fresh gauge". Four simple blue LED lights display the status of the Genpet™. The display will also display if the Genpet™ has been sitting on the store shelf too long、or if the package circuitry has malfunctioned in some way. (
Read more)
Bio-Genica IV SystemWhile the Genpets hang on the store shelves they are in a form of hibernation. Each Genpet™ package has a special nutrient feeding tube attached to it、supplying our specially formulated mix and keeping them healthy and asleep.
Genpet™ RestraintsRestraining the pets in their packaging ensures no damage to the product、as well as allowing for optimal consumer viewing.
(*Genpet™ life may vary depending on temperature and Genpet ™ freshness)
c2004-2007 Bio-Genica、Genetic Engineering and Manufacturing、Inc. All rights reserved. GENPETS、characters、logos、names and all related indicia are registered trademarks of Bio-Genica、Inc.、in Canada and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners


2007/Tokyo Big Sight,Tokyo

Design by Hiroshi Yoneya & Ken Kimizuka
photo by Nacasa & Partners inc.

The Entertainment Ceramics

Shigeki Hayashi、Japan

1972 Born in Toki City、Gihu Pref.
1995 Municipal Univ. of Shizuoka (BA Hons International Relations)
/admitted to Ceramics Art and Science course at Tajimi Polytechnic、Gifu pref.
1997 Completed Ceramics Art and Science course at Tajimi Polytechnic、Gifu pref

Solo Exhibitions

2004 「The Entertainment Ceramics」 (Space OHARA Tajimi)
2006 「The Entertainment Ceramics 2」 (Space OHARA Tajimi)
2006 「New Type Ceramics」 (Gallery MSSOHKAN、Kobe)

Group Exhibitions

2001 MINOW vol.1 (Group show、Aoyama、Tokyo)
2003 Future Creative Ceramics(Contemporary Art Space OSAKA)
2004 MINO CERAMICS NOW 2004 (organized by Gifu Contemporary Museum of Ceramics)    
9th Japan Modern Ceramics Sculpture Exhibition (Toki)
2005 Hand-formed Sculpture MINO . CANADA Cultural Exchange Initiative (Tajimi)
2006 Creation in The Parm MINO . CANADA Cultural Exchange Initiative (Vancouver、Canada)
2007 Japan Month in Houston: Art Exhibition、contemporary Japanese Arts and Crafts (Houston)    
SOFA New York   
55' Premio Faenza (Faenza、Italy)   
There is Life After SOFA at KEIKO Gallery (Boston)


1996 Japan Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics award (maquette)
1998 Japan Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics award (maquette)
1999 Finalist、Shigaraki Pottery Competition (Shigaraki)
   Honorable Mention from Committee、The Humorous Sculptural Ceramics Contest (Toki)
2004 Best Sculptural Ceramics Prize 「9th Japan Modern Ceramics Sculpture Exhibition」 (Toki)
2007 Plaque of The President of The Chamber of Deputies "55'Premio Faenza"(Faenza、Italy)

Public Collections

Toki City Council (Gifu pref.)
Tokitsu Primary School、Toki City Council (Gifu pref.)
Toki Ceramic Laboratory (Toki City、Gifu pref.)


With an enviable dexterity、Luminary Warren Muller creates fantastic lighting sculptures from found、recycled、and salvaged objects. His novel approach to these cast-aside items results in work at home in environments both modern and traditional. Recent pieces are mostly by commission and often incorporates existing chandeliers and/or the collective tchochtkes of his clients.


BlankBlank、a Sacramento-based design firm

Low Frequency
Designed by Rob Zinn

8" W x 36" H X 10" D (Large)
8" W x 18" H x 7" D (Small)
Light or Dark Wood Laminate UL Listed
Made in the USA

The glowing colors radiating from this table/floor light are all produced by 2 (large) or 1 (small) 60W standard incandescent (A-19) light bulb. The light consists of 6 white planes whose reverse sides are printed with vivid colors that reflect colored light onto the preceding planes、as well as through the translucent enclosure. Front and back planes are available in light or dark wood laminates. Includes a 6' white cord with lighted on/off switch.